⇦ | eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:55:55 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini in xenial

eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Network
  - FileTransfer
  - P2P
  - Qt
  C: '<p>This package installs only EiskaltDC++ with GUI based on Qt. This is stripped-down version of
    program. Such features were disabled: - Qt Declarative UI support - QtScript basic support - SQLite
    support</p><p>EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols.
    It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates
    with all common DC hub software.</p>'
  fr: '<p>Ce paquet installe uniquement EiskaltDC++ avec une interface graphique basée sur Qt. C''est
    une version bridée du programme. Ces caractéristiques ont été désactivés : - prise en charge de l''interface
    graphique Qt declarative - prise en charge de base de QtScript - prise en charge de SQLite</p><p>EiskaltDC++
    is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with
    DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common
    DC hub software.</p>'
ID: eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini.desktop
  cached: eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini_eiskaltdcpp.png
  stock: eiskaltdcpp
    - FileSharing
    - Chat
    - p2p
    - DirectConnect
    - ADC
    - DHT
  C: EiskaltDC++ Qt Mini
Package: eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini
    - x-scheme-handler/magnet
  C: Share files over the DC++ network
  be: Паздяляйцеся файламі праз сетку DC++
  ru: Делитесь файлами с помощью сетей DC++
Type: desktop-app