⇦ | docky [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:06 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for docky in xenial

docky.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Utility
  C: <p>A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows easier
    and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach
    to configuration and usage. It just works.</p><p>Docky provides an application launcher, running application
    management, and various "docklets" including a CPU monitor, weather report and clock.  It is similar
    to other docks such as AWN and cairo-dock.</p><p>Applications can integrate with Docky to add extra
    items to their context menus or modify their icons to display more information.  This package includes
    integration helpers for a number of applications, including Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy and
    Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky is derived from the GNOME Do "docky" interface.</p>
  da: <p>Et dokprogram med alle funktioner, som gør åbning af gængse programmer og håndtering af vinduer
    nemt og hurtigt. Docky er fuldt integreret i GNOME- skrivebordet og har en ligefrem fremgangsmåde
    til konfiguration og brug. Det virker bare.</p><p>Docky tilbyder en programstarter, kørsel af programhåndtering
    og forskellige »docklets« inklusive en CPU-monitor, vejrrapport og ur. Programmet ligner andre dokke
    såsom AWN og cairo-dock.</p><p>Programmer kan interagere med Docky for at tilføje ekstra punkter og
    deres kontekstmenuer eller ændre deres ikoner for at vise yderligere information. Denne pakke inkluderer
    integrationshjælp for et antal programmer, inklusive Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy og Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky
    er afledt fra GNOME-grænsefladen Do »docky«.</p>
  de: <p>Eine voll ausgerüstete Dock-Anwendung, die das Öffnen üblicher Anwendungen und die Fensterverwaltung
    vereinfacht und schneller macht. Docky ist vollkommen in den GNOME-Desktop integriert und bietet einen
    durchdachten Ansatz für die Konfiguration und Nutzung. Es funktioniert einfach.</p><p>Docky enthält
    einen Anwendungsstarter, eine Verwaltung laufender Anwendungen und verschiedene »Docklets« - etwa
    eine CPU-Überwachung, ein Wetterbericht und eine Uhr. Es ähnelt anderen Docks wie AWN und cairo- dock.</p><p>Anwendungen
    können mit Docky zusammenarbeiten, indem zusätzliche Einträge in ihre Kontextmenüs hinzugefügt oder
    die Symbole verändert werden, um mehr Informationen anzuzeigen. Dieses Paket enthält die Integration
    für eine Anzahl an Anwendungen, darunter Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy und Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky
    stammt von der GNOME-DO-Schnitstelle »docky«.</p>
  en_AU: <p>A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows
    easier and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach
    to configuration and usage. It just works.</p><p>Docky provides an application launcher, running application
    management, and various "docklets" including a CPU monitor, weather report and clock. It is similar
    to other docks such as AWN and cairo-dock.</p><p>Applications can integrate with Docky to add extra
    items to their context menus or modify their icons to display more information.  This package includes
    integration helpers for a number of applications, including Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy and
    Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky is derived from the GNOME Do "docky" interface.</p>
  en_CA: <p>A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows
    easier and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach
    to configuration and usage. It just works.</p><p>Docky provides an application launcher, running application
    management, and various "docklets" including a CPU monitor, weather report and clock. It is similar
    to other docks such as AWN and cairo-dock.</p><p>Applications can integrate with Docky to add extra
    items to their context menus or modify their icons to display more information.  This package includes
    integration helpers for a number of applications, including Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy and
    Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky is derived from the GNOME Do "docky" interface.</p>
  en_GB: <p>A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows
    easier and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach
    to configuration and usage. It just works.</p><p>Docky provides an application launcher, running application
    management, and various "docklets" including a CPU monitor, weather report and clock. It is similar
    to other docks such as AWN and cairo-dock.</p><p>Applications can integrate with Docky to add extra
    items to their context menus or modify their icons to display more information.  This package includes
    integration helpers for a number of applications, including Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy and
    Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky is derived from the GNOME Do "docky" interface.</p>
  es: <p>A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows easier
    and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach
    to configuration and usage. It just works.</p><p>Docky provee un lanzador de aplicaciones, gestión
    de aplicaciones en ejecución, y varios «docklets» incluyendo un monitor de CPU, informes de meteorología
    y un reloj. Es similar a otros lanzadores como AWN y cairo- dock.</p><p>Las aplicaciones pueden integrarse
    con Docky para añadir elementos adicionales a sus menús o modificar sus iconos para mostrar más información.
    Este paquete incluye ayudantes de integración para algunas aplicaciones, incluyendo Banshee, Rhythmbox,
    Deluge, Tomboy y Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky deriva de la interfaz «docky» de GNOME Do.</p>
  fr: <p>Un dock à part entière qui rend l'ouverture des applications courantes et la gestion des fenêtres
    plus facile et rapide. Docky est complètement intégré dans le bureau GNOME et dispose d'une approche
    cohérente lors de la configuration et à l'usage. Il fonctionne tout simplement.</p><p>Docky dispose
    d'un lanceur d'applications, permettant la gestion des applications en cours d'exécution, et de plusieurs
    « docklets » incluant un moniteur de processeur, des rapports météo et une horloge. Il est semblable
    à d'autres docks tels que AWN et cairo-dock.</p><p>Les applications peuvent s'intégrer avec Docky
    pour ajouter des éléments supplémentaires à leurs menus contextuels ou pour modifier leurs icônes
    afin d'afficher plus d'informations. Ce paquet comprend les assistants d'intégration pour un certain
    nombre d'applications incluant Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy et Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky est dérivé
    de l'interface "docky" de GNOME Do.</p>
  gl: <p>Un aplicativo de doca con todas as funcionalidades que fai que abrir aplicativos frecuentes e
    xestionar as xanelas sexa máis doado e rápido. O Docky está integrado completamente no Escritorio
    GNOME e enfoca a configuración e o uso sen parvadas. Simplemente funciona.</p><p>Docky fornece un
    iniciador de aplicacións, xestión do aplicativo en execución e varios «docklets», que inclúen un monitor
    da CPU, información meteorolóxica e un reloxo. É semellante a outras docas, como AWN e cairo- dock.</p><p>Os
    aplicativos pódense integrar con Docky para engadir elementos extra aos seus menús de contexto ou
    modificar as súas iconas para mostrar máis información. este paquete inclúe axudantes de integración
    para moitos aplicativos, incluídos Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy e Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky deriva
    da interface «docky» do Do de GNOME.</p>
  it: <p>Un'applicazione dock completa di tutto che rende più facili e veloci l'apertura delle applicazioni
    comuni e la gestione delle finestre. Docky si integra pienamente nel desktop GNOME e ha un approccio
    pratico alla configurazione e all'uso. Semplicemente funziona.</p><p>Docky fornisce un lanciatore
    di applicazioni, la gestione delle applicazioni in esecuzione e varie "docklet" tra le quali monitor
    della CPU, situazione meteorologica e orologio. È simile ad altri dock come AWN e cairo-dock.</p><p>Le
    applicazioni si possono integrare con Docky per aggiungere elementi extra ai loro menu contestuali
    o modificare le loro icone per visualizzare più informazioni. Questo pacchetto include gli strumenti
    ausiliari per l'integrazione di svariate applicazioni, incluse Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy
    e Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky deriva dall'interfaccia "docky" di GNOME Do.</p>
  nl: <p>A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows easier
    and quicker. Docky is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop and features a no nonsense approach
    to configuration and usage. It just works.</p><p>Docky biedt een programmastarter, het beheren van
    actieve programma's en diverse ‘docklets’, waaronder een CPU-monitor, weerbericht en de klok. Het
    is vergelijkbaar met andere dock-programma's zoals AWN en Cairo-dock.</p><p>Toepassingen kunnen integreren
    met Docky om extra items toe te voegen aan hun contextmenu's of hun pictogrammen zo aan te passen
    dat ze meer informatie weergeven. Dit pakket bevat integratiehulpprogramma's voor een aantal toepassingen
    waaronder Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy en Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky is afgeleid van de GNOME Do
    ‘docky’ interface.</p>
  ru: <p>Полноценный док, делающий открытие избранных приложений и управление окнами более простым и быстрым.
    Docky хорошо интегрируется в окружение GNOME и реализует серьёзный подход к настройке и использованию.
    Он просто работает.</p><p>Docky обеспечивает запуск приложений, управление работающими приложениями
    и различные «доклеты», включая показ информации о загрузке процессора, о погоде, а также часы. Он
    подобен другим докам, таким как AWN и Сairo-dock.</p><p>Applications can integrate with Docky to add
    extra items to their context menus or modify their icons to display more information.  This package
    includes integration helpers for a number of applications, including Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy
    and Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky is derived from the GNOME Do "docky" interface.</p>
  sl: <p>Polno zmogljiv program sidrišča, ki naredi odpiranje pogostih programov in upravljanj oken hitrejše
    in enostavnejše. Docky je polno vključen v namizje GNOME in deluje pristop brez neumnosti v nastavitvah
    in uporabi. Enostavno deluje.</p><p>Docky zagotavlja zaganjalnik programov, upravljanje izvajajočih
    se programov in različne "docklete" vključno z nadzornikom CPE, vremenskim poročilom in uro. Podoben
    je drugim sidriščem kot sta AWN in cairo-dock.</p><p>Programi se lahko vključijo z Docky za dodajanje
    dodatnih predmetov v svoje vsebinske menije ali za spreminjanje svojih ikon tako, da pokažejo več
    podatkov. Ta paket vključuje pomočnike vključitve za številne programe vključno z Banshee, Rhythmbox,
    Deluge, Tomboy in Zeitgeist.</p><p>Docky je izpeljan iz vmesnika "docky" programa GNOME Do.</p>
ID: docky.desktop
  cached: docky_docky.png
  C: Docky
Package: docky
  C: The finest dock no money can buy.
  ast: El meyor dock que nengún dineru pue mercar.
  be: Самы лепшы док, якi не купiш за грошы
  bg: Най-добрият док, който не може да бъде купен.
  bs: Najbolji panelčić, koji nijedan novac ne može kupiti
  cs: Kvalitní dockovací aplikace
  de: Das tollste Dock, welches man nicht für Geld kaufen kann.
  el: Το καλύτερο dock που δεν μπορούν να αγοράσουν τα λεφτά.
  es: El mejor dock que el dinero no puede comprar.
  eu: Diruz erosi ezin daitekeen atrakerik ederrena.
  fi: Hienoin telakkasovellus mitä rahalla ei saa.
  fo: Tann fínasti dokkurin eingir pengar kunnu keypa.
  fr: Le plus beau dock du monde
  gl: O mellor dock que os cartos non poden mercar.
  hi: बेहतरीन डॉक जिसॆ कोई पैसा नहीं में खरीद सकता हैं.
  hr: Najbolji dock kojeg novac ne može kupiti.
  hu: A legjobb dokk, amit nem lehet pénzért megvenni.
  hy: Լավագույն դոքը ոչ մի փող չի գնի
  id: Dermaga terbaik uang tidak bisa membeli.
  is: Besta stikan sem engir peningar geta keypt.
  it: La migliore dock che nessuna moneta può comprare.
  ja: お金では買えない至高のドック
  kk: Ақшаға сатылмайтын ең күшті док.
  ko: 돈으로도 살 수 없는 최고의 독.
  lt: Geriausias skydelis, neįpirkamas už jokius pinigus.
  ml: പൈസ്സയില്ലാതെ കിട്ടുന്ന ഏറ്റവും നല്ല ടോക്ക്
  ms: Labuh yang terbaik yang mana tidak perlu membelinya.
  nb: Det fineste samlevinduet som ikke kan kjøpes.
  nl: De beste dock die je niet kunt kopen.
  oc: Lo pus bèl dock del mond
  pl: Najlepszy dock, jakiego nie kupisz za żadne pieniądze.
  pt: A melhor doca que nenhum dinheiro pode comprar.
  pt_br: O melhor dock que dinheiro algum pode comprar.
  ro: Aplicație pentru acces rapid (dock) neprețuită.
  ru: Самая лучшая панель, не продающаяся за деньги.
  sl: Najboljše sidrišče, ki ga ne more kupiti noben denar.
  sr: Најбољи док који се не може купити новцем.
  sv: Den finaste dockan som inga pengar kan köpa.
  tr: Ücretsiz kullanabileceğiniz en iyi rıhtım programı.
  uk: Найкращий безкоштовний док.
  zh_tw: 有錢也買不到的超棒 Dock 工具列。
Type: desktop-app