⇦ | comix [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:06 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for comix in xenial

comix.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Application
  - Graphics
  - Viewer
  C: <p>Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called
    .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user
    interface using PyGTK.</p><p>Main Features:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen
    mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image
    scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster
    page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter.
    * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese,
    Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM
    image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  da: <p>Comix er en fremviser af tegneserier. Den læser arkiverne zip, rar, tar, tar.gz og tar.bz2 (ofte
    kaldt .cbz, .cbr og .cbt) samt normale billedfiler. Det er skrevet i Python og har en simpel brugergrænseflade,
    der bruger PyGTK.</p><p>Vigtigste funktioner:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen
    mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image
    scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster
    page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter.
    * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese,
    Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM
    image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  de: <p>Comix ist ein Comic-Betrachter. Er kann ZIP-, RAR-, tar-, tar.gz- und tar.bz2-Archive (die oftmals
    auf .cbz, .cbr und .cbt enden) sowie normale Bilddateien lesen. Er wurde in Python geschrieben und
    hat eine einfache Benutzeroberfläche, die PyGTK verwendet.</p><p>Die wichtigsten Leistungsmerkmale
    sind:</p><p>* Vollbild-Modus * Doppelseiten-Modus * Auf Bildschirmgröße angepasster Modus * Skalieren
    und Scrollen * Drehen und Spiegeln * Vergrößerungsglas * Einstellbare Qualität beim Skalieren von
    Bildern * Bildverbesserung * Rechts-nach-links-Anzeige wird unterstützt, um Mangas usw. gerecht zu
    werden * Zwischenspeicherung für ein schnelleres Umblättern * Unterstützung für Lesezeichen * Anpassbare
    grafische Benutzeroberfläche * Unterstützung von Archiv-Kommentaren * Archiv-Umwandlung * Browser
    für Vorschaubilder * Konform zu Standards * In die Sprachen Englisch, Schwedisch, vereinfachtes Chinesisch,
    Spanisch, brasilianisches Portugiesisch und Deutsch übersetzt * Lesen von JPEG-, PNG-, TIFF-, GIF-,
    BMP-, ICO-, XPM- und XBM-Bildformaten * Eingebaute (native) Unterstützung für das Lesen von ZIP- und
    tar-Archiven, RAR-Archive können mithilfe des Werkzeugs »unrar« gelesen werden * Lauffähig unter Linux,
    FreeBSD, NetBSD und praktisch jedem anderen UNIX-artigen Betriebssystem * Und mehr!</p>
  es: <p>Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called
    .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user
    interface using PyGTK.</p><p>Características principales:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode.
    * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  fr: <p>Comix est une visionneuse de bandes dessinées. Il lit les archives zip, rar, tar, tar.gz et tar.bz2
    (souvent appelées .cbz, .cbr et .cbt) ainsi que des fichiers d'image normaux. Il est écrit en Python
    et possède une interface utilisateur simple utilisant PyGTK.</p><p>Fonctionnalités principales :</p><p>*
    Mode plein écran. * Mode double page. * Mode ajusté à l'écran. * Zoom et défilement. * Rotation et
    miroir. * Grossissement. * Qualité de mise à l'échelle de l'image modifiable. * Amélioration de l'image.
    * Peut lire de droite à gauche pour s'adapter aux mangas, etc. * Mise en cache pour accélérer le changement
    de page. * Prise en charge des marque-pages. * Personnalisation de l'interface utilisateur graphique.
    * Prise en charge des commentaires de l'archive. * Convertisseur d'archive. * Navigation via des miniatures.
    * Conforme aux normes. * Traduit en anglais, suédois, chinois simplifié, espagnol, portugais brésilien
    et allemand. * Lit les formats d'image JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM et XBM. * Lit les archives
    ZIP et TAR nativement, et les archives RAR via le programme unrar. * Fonctionne sous Linux, FreeBSD,
    NetBSD et pratiquement n'importe quel autre OS de type Unix. * Bien plus !</p>
  gl: <p>Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called
    .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user
    interface using PyGTK.</p><p>Funcionalidades principais:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode.
    * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  it: <p>Comix è un visualizzatore di fumetti. Legge archivi zip, rar, tar, tar.gz e tar.bz2 (spesso chiamati
    .cbz, .cbr e .cbt) così come file immagine normali. È scritto in Python e ha una semplice interfaccia
    utente che usa PyGTK.</p><p>Caratteristiche principali:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode.
    * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  ja: <p>Comix は、漫画本ビューアです。(たびたび .cbz、cbr や cbt と呼ばれる) zip、rar、tar、tar.gz および tar.bz2アーカイブに加え、通常の画像ファイルも
    読み込めます。Python により書かれており、PyGTK によるシンプルなユーザ インターフェイスを有しています。</p><p>主要機能一覧:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode.
    * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification
    lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga
    etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments
    support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English,
    Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF,
    GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives
    through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS.
    * More!</p>
  nl: <p>Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called
    .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user
    interface using PyGTK.</p><p>Belangrijkste functies:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode.
    * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  pl: <p>Comix jest przeglądarką komiksów. Czyta archiwa zip, rar, tar, tar.gz i tar.bz2 (często nazywane
    .cbz .cbr i .cbt), tak dobrze jak zwykłe pliki graficzne. Jest napisana w Pythonie i ma prosty interfejs
    użytkownika używającego PyGTK.</p><p>Główne cechy:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. *
    Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Comix é um visualizador de gibis. Ele lê arquivos zip, rar, tar, tar.gz e tar.bz2 (às vezes
    chamados .cbz, .cbr e .cbt) assim como arquivos normais de imagem. Ele é escrito em Python e tem uma
    interface de usuário simples usando PyGTK.</p><p>Principais recursos:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double
    page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification
    lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga
    etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments
    support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English,
    Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF,
    GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives
    through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS.
    * More!</p>
  ru: <p>Comix -- это программа для просмотра комиксов. Она умеет читать файлы архивов zip, rar, tar,
    tar.gz и tar.bz2 (часто называемых как .cbz, .cbr и .cbt), а также обычные файлы изображений. Она
    написана на Python и имеет простой пользовательский интерфейс на основе PyGTK.</p><p>Основные возможности:</p><p>*
    Полноэкранный режим. * Двухстраничный режим. * Режим заполнения экрана. * Масштабирование и прокрутка.
    * Поворот и отражение. * Увеличительные линзы. * Переменное качество масштабирования рисунка. * Улучшение
    рисунка. * Возможность чтения манги справа налево. * Кеширование для более быстрой смены рисунков.
    * Поддержка закладок. * Настраиваемый графический интерфейс. * Поддержка комментариев архивов. * Преобразование
    архивов. * Браузер по закладкам. * Соответствует стандартам. * Переведено на английский, шведский,
    упрощённый китайский, испанский, бразильский португальский и немецкий. * Читает форматы рисунков JPEG,
    PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM и XBM. * Читает форматы ZIP и TAR самостоятельно, и архивы RAR через
    программу unrar. * Работает в Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD и возможно на любых других UNIX-подобных ОС.
    * И больше!</p>
  sk: <p>Comix je zobrazovač komixov. Číta archívy zip, rar, tar, tar.gz a tar.bz2 (často nazývané .cbz,
    .cbr a .cbt), ako aj bežné súbory s obrázkami. Program je napísaný v Pythone a má jednoduché používateľské
    rozhranie používajúce PyGTK.</p><p>Základné vlastnosti:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode.
    * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  sl: <p>Comix je pregledovalnik stripov. Bere arhive zip, tar, tar.gz in tar.bz2 (pogosto se imenujejo
    .cbz, .cbr in .cbt) kot tudi običajne slikovne datoteke. Napisan je v Pythonu in ima enostaven uporabniški
    vmesnik, ki uporablja PyGTK.</p><p>Glavne zmožnosti:</p><p>* celozaslonski način, * način dveh strani,
    * način prilagodi zaslonu, * približanje in drsenje, * vrtenje in zrcaljenje, * povečevalno steklo,
    * spremenljiva kakovost raztegovanja slik, * izboljšava slik, * lahko bere od desne proti levi za
    prileganje mangi itd, * predpomnjenje za hitrejše obračanje strani, * podpora zaznamkov, * prilagodljiv
    grafični uporabniški vmesnik, * podpora arhivov opomb, * pretvornik arhivov, * brskalnik sličic, *
    združljiv s standardi, * preveden v angleščino, švedščino, poenostavljeno kitajščino, španščino, brazilsko
    portugalščino in nemščino, * bere vrste slik JPEG, PNG, TIF,; GIF, BMP, ICO, XMP in XBM, * bere arhive
    ZIP in tar ter arhive RAR s programom unrar, * deluje na Linuxu, FreeBSD, NetBDS in kateremkoli drugemu
    UNIX podobnemu OS, * več!</p>
  sv: <p>Comix är en serietidningsvisare. Det läser zip-, rar-, tar-, tar.gz- och tar.bz2-arkiv (ofta
    kallade .cbz, .cbr och .cbt) liksom vanliga filer. Det är skrivet i Python och använder ett enkelt
    PyGTK-användargränssnitt.</p><p>Huvudfunktionalitet:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode.
    * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable
    image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for
    faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive
    converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified
    Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM
    and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  tr: <p>Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called
    .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user
    interface using PyGTK.</p><p>Ana Özellikler:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen
    mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image
    scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster
    page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter.
    * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese,
    Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM
    image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  uk: <p>Comix — це програма для перегляду коміксів. Вона вміє читати файли архівів zip, rar, tar, tar.gz
    та tar.bz2 (часто званих як *.cbz, *.cbr та *.cbt), а також звичайні файли зображень. Вона написана
    на Python і має простий інтерфейс користувача на основі PyGTK.</p><p>Основні можливості:</p><p>* Fullscreen
    mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring.
    * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left
    to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive
    comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to
    English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG,
    PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR
    archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like
    OS. * More!</p>
  zh_CN: <p>Comix 是一个漫画书籍阅览器。它可以读取 zip、rar、tar、tar.gz 和 tar.bz2 (通常称为 .cbz、.cbr、.cbt)压缩包中的漫画,当然也包括普通的图片文件。Comix
    由 Python 语言编写,并且有一个基于 PyGTK 的简洁用户界面。</p><p>主要特性:</p><p>* Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen
    mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image
    scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster
    page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter.
    * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese,
    Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM
    image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program.
    * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
  zh_TW: <p>Comix 是一款為瀏覽漫畫而製作的程式。除了能瀏覽一般的圖檔之外,它也支援  zip、rar、tar 等格式 (通常它們的副檔名是 cbz、cbr 或 cbt)。</p><p>主要功能:</p><p>*
    Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and
    mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read
    right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable
    GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant.
    * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. *
    Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives
    natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually
    any other UNIX-like OS. * More!</p>
ID: comix.desktop
  cached: comix_comix.png
  C: Comix
Package: comix
    - application/x-cbz
    - application/x-cbr
    - application/x-cbt
    - image/jpeg
    - image/png
    - image/gif
    - image/tiff
    - image/bmp
    - image/x-icon
    - image/x-xpixmap
    - image/x-xbitmap
    - application/x-zip
    - application/zip
    - application/x-rar
    - application/x-tar
    - application/x-gzip
    - application/x-bzip2
    - image/svg+xml
    - image/svg
    - image/svg-xml
    - image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml
    - text/xml-svg
    - image/x-portable-anymap
    - image/x-portable-bitmap
    - image/x-portable-graymap
    - image/x-portable-pixmap
    - image/x-pcx
    - image/x-cmu-raster
    - image/x-sun-raster
    - image/x-tga
  C: A viewer for comic book archives
  es: Un visor de comics
  fr: Visionneur d'images spécialisé dans la lecture des bandes dessinées
  it: Un visualizzatore di fumetti
  pl: Przeglądarka komiksów
  sv: En serieboksläsare
Type: desktop-app