⇦ | chromium-bsu [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:09 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for chromium-bsu in xenial

chromium-bsu.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Game
  - ArcadeGame
  C: <p>Chromium is a top down fast paced high action scrolling space shooter.</p><p>In this game you
    are the captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and are responsible for delivering supplies to the
    troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the
    relative safety of the Chromium vessel.</p>
  da: <p>Chromium er et hurtigt ovenfra og nedefter rullende aktionrumskydespil.</p><p>I dette spil er
    du kaptajn på et lastskib Chromium B.S.U., og du er ansvarlig for levering af forsyninger til tropperne
    i frontlinjen. Dit skib har en lille flåde af robotkæmpere, som du kontrollerer fra den relative sikkerhed
    i Chromiumskibet.</p>
  de: <p>Chromium ist ein am Bildschirm von oben nach unten laufendes, sehr hektisches Weltraum-Ballerspiel.</p><p>In
    diesem Spiel sind Sie als Kapitän des Frachtschiffes Chromium B.S.U. für die Auslieferung von Vorräten
    zu den Truppen an der Front verantwortlich. Sie steuern in halbwegs sicherer Entfernung von Ihrem
    Schiff Chromium aus eine kleine Flotte von Roboterkämpfern.</p>
  fr: <p>Chromium est un jeu de tir dans l'espace, à défilement et à la verticale, rapide et à grande
    action.</p><p>Dans ce jeu, vous êtes le capitaine du cargo Chromium B.S.U. et êtes tenus de livrer
    des fournitures aux troupes sur la ligne de front. Votre vaisseau a une petite flotte de chasseurs
    robotisés que vous contrôlez depuis le vaisseau Chromium à la sécurité relative.</p>
  gl: <p>Chromium is a top down fast paced high action scrolling space shooter.</p><p>Neste xogo ti es
    o capitán do cargueiro Chromium B.S.U. e es responsábel de aprovisionar as tropas da fronte. A túa
    nave conta cunha pequena frota de loitadores robóticos que podes controlar desde a relativa seguranza
    do navío Chromium.</p>
  it: <p>Chromium è un gioco sparatutto spaziale d'azione a scorrimento con vista dall'alto e ritmo veloce.</p><p>In
    questo gioco si è il capitano della nave cargo Chromium B.S.U. e il responsabile della consegna di
    rifornimenti per le truppe al fronte. La propria nave dispone di una piccola flotta di caccia robotizzati
    che vengono controllati dal vascello Chromium, postazione relativamente sicura.</p>
  ja: <p>Chromium は、縦スクロールのハイペースの宇宙シューティングゲームです。</p><p>In this game you are the captain of the cargo ship
    Chromium B.S.U. and are responsible for delivering supplies to the troops on the front line. Your
    ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the relative safety of the Chromium
  nl: <p>Chromium is een ruimteschietspel met snelle actiemomenten dat een verticaal schuivend speeloppervlak
    kent.</p><p>In this game you are the captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and are responsible
    for delivering supplies to the troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters
    which you control from the relative safety of the Chromium vessel.</p>
  pl: <p>Chromium jest kosmiczną strzelanką, w której obszar gry przewija się z góry na dół w szybkim
    tempie.</p><p>W grze wcielamy się w rolę kapitana statku Chromium B.S.U. odpowiedzialnego za dostarczenie
    żołnierzy na linię frontu. Twój statek posiada małą flotę robotów, którymi walczysz w celu zapewnienia
    bezpieczeństwa okrętu Chromium.</p>
  pt: <p>Chromium é um jogo espacial de tiros, rápido e estilo arcade com imagem vista de cima e com grande
    acção.</p><p>In this game you are the captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and are responsible
    for delivering supplies to the troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters
    which you control from the relative safety of the Chromium vessel.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Chromium é um jogo de ação rápida e de atirar nas naves que vão descendo na tela.</p><p>In
    this game you are the captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and are responsible for delivering
    supplies to the troops on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you
    control from the relative safety of the Chromium vessel.</p>
  ru: <p>Chromium — аркадная космическая стрелялка.</p><p>В этой игре вы — капитан грузового корабля Chromium
    B.S.U., отвечающий за доставку грузов войскам на линию фронта. Корабль имеет небольшой флот из роботов,
    которыми вы можете управлять, находясь в относительной безопасности в своём корабле.</p>
  sl: <p>Chromium je hitra visoko akcijska strelska igra s pogledom od zgoraj navzdol.</p><p>V tej igri
    ste kapitan tovorne ladje Chromium B.S.U in ste odgovorni za dostavljanje zalog enotam na bojni liniji.
    Vaša ladja ima majhno enoto robotskih borcev, ki jih lahko nadzirate z ladje Chromium.</p>
  uk: <p>Хроміум — динамічна космічна стрілялка з прокруткою зверху вниз.</p><p>In this game you are the
    captain of the cargo ship Chromium B.S.U. and are responsible for delivering supplies to the troops
    on the front line. Your ship has a small fleet of robotic fighters which you control from the relative
    safety of the Chromium vessel.</p>
ID: chromium-bsu.desktop
  cached: chromium-bsu_chromium-bsu.png
    - Shooter
    - Space
  C: Chromium B.S.U.
Package: chromium-bsu
  C: Scrolling space shooter
  ro: O navă în spațiu trebuie să împuște inamicii
  sv: Vertikalrullande skjutspel i rymdmiljö (Shoot'em up)
Type: desktop-app