⇦ | bloboats [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:01 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for bloboats in xenial

bloboats.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Game
  - ArcadeGame
  C: <p>Bloboats is an arcade-like boat racing game in the hybrid spirit of Mario-like platform jumpers
    and elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible
    to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time
    beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>The journey starts from a place called Tutorial,
    somewhere in the United States, and somehow the player ends up in the famous HV-Arena of Helsinki.
    During the trip a number of MS Enterprises are saved, luckily, from the hands of the terrible Tentacle
    Monsters of an Unknown Master, who actually is your dad. Or then ain't. :-)</p>
  da: <p>Bloboats er et arkadelignende racerbådspil i den hybride ånd for Mariolignende platformshoppespil
    og elast mania/xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible
    to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time
    beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>Rejsen begynder fra et sted kaldet Tutorial,
    et sted i USA, og af en eller anden grund ender spilleren i den berømte HV-Arena i Helsinki. Under
    rejsen bliver et antal MS Enterpriser reddet, heldigvis, fra de frygtelige tentakelmonstre fra en
    ukendt leder, som viser sig at være din far. Eller måske ikke. :-)</p>
  de: <p>Bloboat ist ein actionorientiertes Boot-Rennspiel im Geiste von Mario- ähnlichen Jump'n'Runs
    und elasto mania/xmoto.</p><p>Das Ziel bei Bloboats ist es, die MS Enterprise so schnell wie möglich
    zu erreichen, um sie vor den schrecklichen Tentakelungeheuern eines unbekannten Meisters zu retten.
    Gleichzeitig gilt es seine Freunde zu schlagen und sich über ihre mickrigen Zeiten lustig zu machen.</p><p>Die
    Reise beginnt an einem Ort irgendwo in den USA namens »Tutorial«, und endet irgendwie in der bekannten
    HV-Arena von Helsinki. Glücklicherweise werden auf der Reise eine Vielzahl an MS Enterprises vor der
    schrecklichen Riesenkrake des unbekannten Meisters, der in Wahrheit Ihr Vater ist, gerettet oder auch
    nicht. :-)</p>
  en_AU: <p>Bloboats is an arcade-like boat racing game in the hybrid spirit of Mario- like platform jumpers
    and elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible
    to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time
    beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>The journey starts from a place called Tutorial,
    somewhere in the United States, and somehow the player ends up in the famous HV-Arena of Helsinki.
    During the trip a number of MS Enterprises are saved, luckily, from the hands of the terrible Tentacle
    Monsters of an Unknown Master, who actually is your dad. Or then ain't. :-)</p>
  en_CA: <p>Bloboats is an arcade-like boat racing game in the hybrid spirit of Mario- like platform jumpers
    and elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible
    to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time
    beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>The journey starts from a place called Tutorial,
    somewhere in the United States, and somehow the player ends up in the famous HV-Arena of Helsinki.
    During the trip a number of MS Enterprises are saved, luckily, from the hands of the terrible Tentacle
    Monsters of an Unknown Master, who actually is your dad. Or then ain't. :-)</p>
  en_GB: <p>Bloboats is an arcade-like boat racing game in the hybrid spirit of Mario- like platform jumpers
    and elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible
    to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time
    beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>The journey starts from a place called Tutorial,
    somewhere in the United States, and somehow the player ends up in the famous HV-Arena of Helsinki.
    During the trip a number of MS Enterprises are saved, luckily, from the hands of the terrible Tentacle
    Monsters of an Unknown Master, who actually is your dad. Or then ain't. :-)</p>
  es: <p>Bloboats es un juego arcade de carrera de barcos un híbrido de la plataforma Mario y elasto mania
    / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it
    from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time beat your
    friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>The journey starts from a place called Tutorial, somewhere
    in the United States, and somehow the player ends up in the famous HV-Arena of Helsinki. During the
    trip a number of MS Enterprises are saved, luckily, from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters
    of an Unknown Master, who actually is your dad. Or then ain't. :-)</p>
  fi: <p>Bloboats on Marion ja Elasto manian / xmoton hengessä tehty veneilypeli.</p><p>The objective
    of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible
    Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her
    puny time.</p><p>Peli alkaa opastuskentillä jostain Yhdysvaltojen läheltä ja päättyy Helsingin kuuluisalle
    HV-areenalle. Matkan aikana pelastetaan monia MS Enterprise-aluksia lonkerohirviöiltä, joiden johtaja
    onkin isäsi, tai sitten ei. :-)</p>
  fr: <p>Bloboats est un jeu d'arcade de course de bateaux dont l'esprit se situe entre les jeux de plates-formes
    comme Mario et elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>L'objectif de Bloboats est d'atteindre le MS Enterprise
    aussi vite que possible pour le sauver des mains des terribles Monstres Tentacules d'un Maître Inconnu
    et dans le même temps de battre vos amis et de vous moquer de leur temps ridicule.</p><p>Le voyage
    commence à un endroit appelé Tutoriel, quelque part aux États- Unis, et se termine dans la célèbre
    HV-Arena d'Helsinki. Tout au long de ce voyage, vous sauverez un certain nombre de MS Entreprises
    des mains des terribles Monstres Tentacules d'un Maître Inconnu, qui est en fait votre père. Ou pas.
  it: <p>Bloboats è un gioco d'azione di corse tra barche, che unisce lo spirito prettamente "platform"
    di giochi come Mario a quello di Elasto Mania e X-Moto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach
    MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an
    Unknown Master and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>L'avventura
    inizia in un luogo chiamato Tutorial da qualche parte negli Stati Uniti e termina, in qualche modo,
    nella famosa HV Arena di Helsinki. Durante il viaggio molte motonavi Enterprise saranno salvate, si
    spera, dalle mani dei mostri tentacolari dell'ignoto maestro, il quale alla fine è vostro padre. O
    forse no. :-)</p>
  ja: <p>Bloboats はアーケード式のボートレーシングゲームで、マリオなどのジャンプ ゲームと Elasto Mania / Xmoto の精神の混合物です。</p><p>The objective
    of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible
    Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her
    puny time.</p><p>旅は、アメリカのどこかにあるチュートリアルと呼ばれる場所から始まります。 そして最終的には、ヘルシンキにある有名な HV アリーナで終わります。旅の 間には、謎の支配者が操る恐ろしい触手モンスターの手から数多くの
    MS エン タープライズ号を救うことになります。実際には、その支配者はあなたの父親 なのです。たとえ信じられなくとも :-)。</p>
  pt: <p>Bloboats é um jogo de corrida de barcos ao estilo arcade no espírito híbrido de saltos de plataforma
    estilo Mario e elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as
    fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master
    and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>A viagem começa num
    lugar chamado Tutorial, algures nos Estados Unidos, e de algum modo o jogador acaba na famosa HV-Arena
    de Helsínquia. Durante a viagem é salvo um número de MS Enterprises, com sorte, das mãos dos terríveis
    monstros de tentáculos de um mestre desconhecido, que afinal é o seu pai. Ou então não é. :)</p>
  pt_BR: <p>Bloboats é um jogo de corrida de barcos estilo fliperama misturando o espírito dos saltos
    em plataforma estilo Mário e dos jogos elasto mania / xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to
    reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters
    of an Unknown Master and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>A
    jornada inicia em um local chamado Tutorial, em algum lugar dos Estados Unidos, e de alguma forma
    o jogador termina na famosa Arena-HV em Helsinki. Durante a viagem, várias Corporações MS são salvas,
    felizmente, das mãos do terrível Monstro dos Tentáculos de um Mestre Desconhecido que, na verdade,
    é seu pai. Ou não. :-)</p>
  ru: <p>Bloboats -- это аркадные гонки на лодках, сделанные в духе Mario-подобных игр с прыжками по платформам
    и elasto mania/xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast as possible
    to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in the same time
    beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>Путешествие начинается от места под названием
    Tutorial, где-то в Соединенных Штатах, а заканчивается, каким-то образом, в знаменитом HV- Arena Хельсинки.
    Во время прохождения число MS Enterprises, к счастью, сохраняется от рук ужасных Монстров со Щупальцами
    Неизвестного Хозяина, который на самом деле ваш отец. Или нет. :-)</p>
  sl: <p>Bloboats je arkadna igra dirkanja čolnov v hibridnem duhu ploščadnih skakajočih iger podobnim
    igri Mario in igre elastomania/xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as
    fast as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master
    and in the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>Potovanje se začne
    na mestu Vodnik nekje v Združenih državah, nekako igralec konča na slavnemu področju HA v Helsinkih.
    Med potovanjem več podjetij MS rešite pred rokami strahotne pošasti z lovkami Neznanega Gospodarja,
    ki je dejansko vaš oče. Ali pa morda ni :-).</p>
  uk: <p>Bloboats — це аркадні перегони на човнах, зроблені в дусі Mario-подібних ігор із стрибками з
    платформ та elasto mania/xmoto.</p><p>The objective of Bloboats is to reach MS Enterprise as fast
    as possible to save it from the hands of the terrible Tentacle Monsters of an Unknown Master and in
    the same time beat your friend and laugh at his or her puny time.</p><p>Подорож починається від місця
    під назвою Tutorial, десь в Сполучених Штатах, а закінчується, якимось чином, у знаменитому HV-Arena
    Гельсінкі. Під час проходження число MS Enterprises, на щастя, зберігається від рук жахливих монстрів
    зі щупальцями Невідомого Хазяїна, який насправді Ваш батько. Чи ні. :-)</p>
ID: bloboats.desktop
  cached: bloboats_bloboats.png
    - boat
    - race
    - water
    - arcade
    - jump
    - game
  C: Bloboats
Package: bloboats
  C: An arcade-like boat racing game
  de: Ein Bootrennen im Arkade-Stil
Type: desktop-app