⇦ | bkchem [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:56:05 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for bkchem in xenial

bkchem.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Education
  - Science
  - Chemistry
  C: '<p>BKchem is a free chemical drawing program, which is written in Python.</p><p>Some of the features,
    you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups;
    draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities;
    aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  cs: '<p>BKchem je chemický kreslící program zdarma napsaný v Pythonu.</p><p>Some of the features, you
    can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups;
    draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities;
    aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  da: '<p>Bkchem er et frit kemisk tegneprogram, som er skrevet i Python.</p><p>Some of the features,
    you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups;
    draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities;
    aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  de: '<p>BKchem ist ein freies Chemie-Zeichenprogramm, das in Python geschrieben ist.</p><p>Some of the
    features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of
    common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo
    capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  es: '<p>BKchem is a free chemical drawing program, which is written in Python.</p><p>Algunas de sus
    opciones son: * Dibuja (trazado de enlace-a-enlace; plantillas para anillos comunes; ampliación de
    grupos comunes; traza radicales, cargas, flechas; admite color ...) * Edita (capacidad ilimitada des/hacer;
    alineado; escalado; rotación (2D, 3D) ...) * Exporta/Importa (soporte total SVG, OpenOffice.org-Draw,
    exporta EPS; soporte básico para CML1 y exporta/importa CML2 )</p>'
  fi: '<p>BKchem on ilmainen kemiallisten kaavojen piirto-ohjelma, joka on tehty Python-ohjelmointikielellä.</p><p>Some
    of the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding
    of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and
    redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-,
    OpenOffice.org-Draw-, EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  fr: '<p>BKchem est un logiciel libre de dessin de structures chimiques écrit en Python.</p><p>Quelques-unes
    des fonctionnalités que vous pouvez attendre : * le dessin (le dessin point par point, des modèles
    pour les anneaux communs, l''extension de groupes communs, le dessin de radicaux, de charges et de
    flèches, la gestion de la couleur, etc.) ; * l''édition (possibilités illimitées d''annuler et de
    refaire des opérations, l''alignement, le changement d''échelle, la rotation [2D et 3D]) ; * l''export
    et l''import (export entièrement pris en charge vers SVG, OpenOffice.org-Draw et EPS, prise en charge
    basique de l''import et de l''export pour CML1 et CML2).</p>'
  it: '<p>BKchem è un programma libero di disegno chimico, che è scritto in Python.</p><p>Some of the
    features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of
    common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo
    capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  ja: '<p>BKchem はフリーな化学描画プログラムであり、Python により書かれています。</p><p>Some of the features, you can expect: * Drawing
    (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups; draws radicals, charges,
    arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation
    (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-, EPS-export; basic support
    for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  pt: '<p>BKchem é um programa de desenho de química livre, que foi escrito em Python.</p><p>Some of the
    features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of
    common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo
    capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  pt_BR: '<p>BKchem é um programa livre de desenho químico escrito em Python.</p><p>Some of the features,
    you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups;
    draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities;
    aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-,
    EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  ru: '<p>BKchem  свободная программа для рисования химических структур, написанная на Python.</p><p>Некоторые
    из ожидаемых возможностей: * Рисование (поузловое рисование; шаблоны для распространённых колец; расширение
    общих групп; рисование радикалов, зарядов, стрелок; поддержка цвета ...) * Редактирование (неограниченные
    возможности отмены и повтора; выравнивание; масштабирование; вращение (2D и 3D) ...) * Экспорт и импорт
    (полностью поддерживается экспорт в форматы SVG, OpenOffice.Org-Draw, EPS; базовая поддержка импорта
    и экспорта CML1 и CML2)</p>'
  uk: '<p>BKchem  це безкоштовна хімічна креслярська програма, яка написана на Пітоні.</p><p>Some of
    the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond drawing; templates for common rings; expanding
    of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows; color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and
    redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D, 3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-,
    OpenOffice.org-Draw-, EPS-export; basic support for CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
  zh_CN: '<p>BKchem 是一个免费的化学绘图程序,用 Python 编写。</p><p>Some of the features, you can expect: * Drawing (bond-by-bond
    drawing; templates for common rings; expanding of common-groups; draws radicals, charges, arrows;
    color support ...) * Editing (unlimited undo and redo capabilities; aligning; scaling; rotation (2D,
    3D) ...) * Export/Import (fully supported SVG-, OpenOffice.org-Draw-, EPS-export; basic support for
    CML1 and CML2 import and export)</p>'
ID: bkchem.desktop
  cached: bkchem_bkchem.png
  C: BKchem
Package: bkchem
    - image/svg+xml
    - image/svg+xml-compressed
    - application/x-cdml+xml
    - application/x-cdml+xml-compressed
  C: Edit chemical structures and reactions
Type: desktop-app