⇦ | sabnzbdplus [xenial]
Last updated on: 2016-11-16 10:57:03 UTC

DEP-11 metadata for sabnzbdplus in xenial

sabnzbdplus.desktop ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ i386 ⚙ s390x ⚙ arm64 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ powerpc

  - Network
  - FileTransfer
  C: <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb
    file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based,
    fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability
    to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p><p>Multiple servers are
    supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads,
    queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications, and custom
    post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with the program.</p><p>The
    program is a fork of the original SABnzbd code, which is no longer actively developed.</p>
  de: <p>SABnzbd+ ist ein Web-basierter Newsgrabber für Binärdateien. Er wurde in Python geschrieben und
    unterstützt das verbreitete Dateiformat NZB. Das Programm vereinfacht den Prozess des Herunterladens
    aus dem Usenet sehr stark. Merkmale sind eine anwenderfreundliche, Web-basierte, vollständig anpassbare
    Benutzeroberfläche und fortgeschrittene, integrierte Nachbearbeitungsmöglichkeiten, mit denen Sie
    heruntergeladene Beiträge automatisch überprüfen, wiederherstellen, extrahieren und aufräumen können.</p><p>Es
    werden mehrere Server unterstützt, sowie sichere Verbindungen (ssl), IPv6, Scheduling, Pausieren und
    Fortsetzen von Downloads, Warteschlangenmanipulation, RSS-Feeds, automatische Sortierung, eine Download-Geschichte,
    E-Mail-Benachrichtigung sowie angepasste Skripte zum nachfolgenden Ausführen. Eine umfangreiche API
    erlaubt es Drittanbieteranwendungen mit dem Programm zu interagieren.</p><p>Das Programm ist eine
    Abspaltung vom ursprünglichen SABnzbd-Code, der nicht mehr aktiv entwickelt wird.</p>
  en_AU: <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular
    nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from usenet, thanks to a friendly
    web-based, fully customisable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including
    the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p><p>Multiple
    servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming
    downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications,
    and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with
    the program.</p><p>The program is a fork of the original SABnzbd code, which is no longer actively
  en_GB: <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular
    nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from usenet, thanks to a friendly
    web-based, fully customisable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including
    the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p><p>Multiple
    servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming
    downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, e-mail notifications,
    and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with
    the program.</p><p>The program is a fork of the original SABnzbd code, which is no longer actively
  es: <p>SABnzbd+ es un capturador de noticias binarias basado en web escrito en Python con soporte para
    el popular formato de archivo nzb. Simplifica enormemente el proceso de realizar descargas desde usenet,
    gracias a su interfaz de usuario amigable y completamente personalizable y a sus opciones empotradas
    de postprocesamiento que incluyen la habilidad de verificar, reparar, extraer y limpiar automáticamente
    las entradas descargadas.</p><p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections,
    ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting,
    a download history, email notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows
    third party applications to interact with the program.</p><p>El programa es una bifurcación del código
    original de SABnzdb, el cual no se sigue desarrollando de forma activa.</p>
  fr: <p>SABnzbd+ est un lecteur de nouvelles binaire basé sur le Web, écrit en Python, avec la prise
    en charge du populaire format de fichier nzb. Il simplifie grandement le processus de téléchargement
    à partir de usenet, grâce à une interface conviviale, basée sur le Web, entièrement personnalisable
    et des options avancées intégrées de post-traitement, y compris la possibilité de vérifier automatiquement,
    de réparer, d'extraire et de nettoyer les messages téléchargés.</p><p>Plusieurs serveurs sont pris
    en charge, ainsi que les connexions sécurisées (SSL), l'IPv6, la planification, la mise en pause et
    la reprise des téléchargements, la manipulation de file d'attente, les flux rss, le tri automatique,
    un historique de téléchargement, les notifications par courriel, et les scripts de post-traitement
    personnalisés. Une API étendue permet aux applications tierces d'interagir avec le programme.</p><p>Le
    programme est une version dérivée du logiciel original SABnzbd, qui n'est plus développé activement.</p>
  it: <p>SABnzbd+ è un programma per scaricare messaggi news binari basato su web scritto in Python che
    riconosce il popolare formato file nzb. Semplifica di molto il processo di scaricamento da Usenet,
    grazie ad un'interfaccia utente amichevole, completamente personalizzabile e ad opzioni di post- elaborazione
    avanzate incorporate che includono la possibilità di verificare, riparare, estrarre e pulire automaticamente
    i post scaricati.</p><p>Multiple servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6,
    scheduling, pausing and resuming downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download
    history, email notifications, and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party
    applications to interact with the program.</p><p>Il programma è un fork dell'originale codice SABnzbd
    che non è più sviluppato attivamente.</p>
  pt: <p>SABnzbd+ é um newsgrabber binário baseado em web e escrito em Python, com suporte para o formato
    de ficheiro popular nzb. Simplifica muito o processo de descarga da usenet, graças a uma interface
    de utilizador baseada em web e totalmente personalizável, e opções avançadas de post- processing integradas
    incluindo a habilidade automática de verificar, repara, extrair e limpar posts descarregados.</p><p>Multiple
    servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming
    downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications,
    and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with
    the program.</p><p>O programa é um fork do código original SABnzbd, o qual já não é desenvolvido activamente.</p>
  pt_BR: <p>SABnzbd+ é um newsgrabber binário baseado em web e escrito em Python, com suporte para o formato
    de ficheiro popular nzb. Simplifica muito o processo de descarga da usenet, graças a uma interface
    de utilizador baseada em web e totalmente personalizável, e opções avançadas de post- processing integradas
    incluindo a habilidade automática de verificar, repara, extrair e limpar posts descarregados.</p><p>Multiple
    servers are supported, as well as secure (ssl) connections, ipv6, scheduling, pausing and resuming
    downloads, queue manipulation, rss feeds, automatic sorting, a download history, email notifications,
    and custom post-processing scripts. An extensive API allows third party applications to interact with
    the program.</p><p>O programa é um fork do código original SABnzbd, o qual já não é desenvolvido activamente.</p>
  sl: <p>SABnzbd+ je na spletu osnovan binarni grabilnik novic, napisan v Pythonu s podporo za priljubljeno
    vrsto datotek nzb. Močno poenostavi opravilo prejemanja iz usenet zaradi prijaznega na spletu osnovanega
    in dokaj prilagodljivega uporabniškega vmesnika in naprednih vgrajenih možnosti poobdelovanja za samodejno
    potrjevanje, razširjanje in čiščenje prejetih objav.</p><p>Podprtih je več strežnikov, kot tudi varne
    povezave (ssl), ipv6, razporejanje, premor in nadaljevanje prejemov, upravljanje s čakalno vrsto,
    viri rss, samodejno razvrščanje, zgodovina prejemov, obvestila preko e-pošte in skripti poobdelave
    po meri. Obširen API omogoča interakcijo s programom programom tretjih oseb.</p><p>Ta program je razvejitev
    izvirne kode SABnzdb, ki se ne razvija več dejavno.</p>
ID: sabnzbdplus.desktop
  cached: sabnzbdplus_sabnzbdplus.png
    - usenet
    - binaries
    - download
    - nzb
    - nntp
  C: SABnzbd+
Package: sabnzbdplus
  C: Download from usenet
Type: desktop-app