⇦ | tunapie [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for tunapie in universe

tunapie.desktop - 2.1.19-1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: tunapie.desktop
Package: tunapie
  C: Tunapie
  C: Lists audio and video streams from shoutcast and icecast
  de: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Grafični program za prikaz zvočnih in video pretokov Shoutcast ali Icecast. Da vam podatke o pretokih vključno z bitno
    hitrostjo, naslovom IP in trenutnim številom poslušalcev. Pretoke lahko nato predvajate z ustreznim predvajalnikom, ki
    ga določite v možnostih. Tunapie omogoča tudi snemanje pretokov s programom streamripper. Snemanja lahko ob določenih
    časih začnete in zaustavite.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Программа с графическим интерфейсом для показа видео- и радиопотоков с Shoutcast или Icecast. Отображает информацию
    о потоках, включая битрейт, IP и текущее количество слушателей. Потоки можно воспроизвести с помощью подходящего медиапроигрывателя,
    указанного в настройках. Tunapie также позволяет записывать потоки с помощью streamripper. Запись может быть начата и
    остановлена в указанное время.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Un programma basato su GUI per visualizzare flussi video e radio da Shoutcast e Icecast; fornisce informazioni sui
    flussi, inclusi bitrate, IP e numero attuale di ascoltatori. I flussi possono poi essere riprodotti usando un lettore
    multimediale appropriato, definito nelle preferenze. Tunapie permette anche di registrare i flussi usando streamripper;
    è possibile impostare le registrazioni in modo che inizino e finiscano ad orari specificati.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Et grafisk brugerfladeprogram for visning af Shoutcast- eller Icecast video- og radiostrømme. Det giver information
    om strømmene inklusiv bithastighed, IP og nuværende antal lyttere. Strømme kan så afspilles med en passende medieafspiller,
    defineret i præferencerne. Tunapie giver også mulighed for at strømme kan optages med brug af streamripper. Optagelser
    kan sættes til at starte og stoppe på angivne tidspunkter.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams
    including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined
    in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop
    at specified times.</p>
- AudioVideo
  - video
  - audio
  - name: tunapie_tplogo.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - tunapie.desktop