⇦ | qrq [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for qrq in universe

qrq.desktop - 0.3.1-3 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: qrq.desktop
Package: qrq
  C: qrq
  C: High speed Morse telegraphy trainer
  de: >-
    <p>Qrq ist ein quelloffener Morsealphabet Trainer für Linux und Unix Betriebssysteme, ähnlich dem Dos-Klassiker Rufz von

    <p>Er ist nicht zum Erlernen der Telegraphie gedacht, sondern zum Erhöhen der Geschwindigkeit beim Aufnehmen von Rufzeichen,
    wie es zum Beispiel bei Wettbewerben gebraucht wird.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>qrq é um treino de telegrafia morse open source para sistemas operativos Linux e Unix, semelhante à versão clássica
    de DOS Rufz por DL4MM.</p>

    <p>Não é destinado a ensinar telegrafia, mas para melhorar a habilidade de copiar callsigns a altas velocidades, como
    é necessário por exemplo para Competição.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>qrq é um treino de telegrafia morse open source para sistemas operativos Linux e Unix, semelhante à versão clássica
    de DOS Rufz por DL4MM.</p>

    <p>Não é destinado a ensinar telegrafia, mas para melhorar a habilidade de copiar callsigns a altas velocidades, como
    é necessário por exemplo para Competição.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version
    of Rufz by DL4MM.</p>

    <p>It is not intended for learning telegraphy, but to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed
    for example for Contesting.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version
    of Rufz by DL4MM.</p>

    <p>It is not intended for learning telegraphy, but to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed
    for example for Contesting.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>qrq — программа для освоения азбуки Морзе с открытым исходным кодом для операционных систем Linux и Unix, подобная
    классической версии Rufz для DOS от DL4MM.</p>

    <p>Она предназначена не для обучения телеграфии, а чтобы улучшить способность копировать позывные на высокой скорости,
    что необходимо, например, для соревнований.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version
    of Rufz by DL4MM.</p>

    <p>It is not intended for learning telegraphy, but to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed
    for example for Contesting.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>qrq は Linux や Unix OS用のオープンソースのモールス符号受信練習プログラムです。 DL4MM のクラシックな DOS 版プログラム Rufz によく似ています。</p>

    <p>モールス符号の学習を目的のプログラムではありません。 コンテストなどで必要な、高速のコールサインを受信する能力を鍛えるためのもの です。</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version
    of Rufz by DL4MM.</p>

    <p>It is not intended for learning telegraphy, but to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed
    for example for Contesting.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>qrq er et open source-telegraftræningsprogram for Linux- og Unix- operativsystemer, svarende til den klassiske DOS-version
    af Rufz af DL4MM.</p>

    <p>Programmet har ikke som formål at indlære telegrafi, men at forbedre evnen til at kopiere kaldetegn ved høje hastigheder,
    som krævet ved for eksempel konkurrencer.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version
    of Rufz by DL4MM.</p>

    <p>It is not intended for learning telegraphy, but to improve the ability to copy callsigns at high speeds, as needed
    for example for Contesting.</p>
- Audio
- HamRadio
  - Morse
  - name: qrq_qrq.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: qrq_qrq.png
    width: 128
    height: 128