⇦ | openstv [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for openstv in universe

openstv.desktop - 1.6.1-1.2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: openstv.desktop
Package: openstv
  C: OpenSTV Voting Software
  C: Conduct a Single Transferable Vote election
  en: >-
    <p>OpenSTV is an open-source software for implementing the single transferable vote and other voting methods such as instant
    runoff voting, Condorcet voting, and approval voting. OpenSTV is the only open-source software that implements the single
    transferable vote exactly as used by governments, including Scotland and the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. These methods
    have been extensively verified against other software and/or actual election results.</p>

    <p>Organizations can use OpenSTV to implement their own elections. First, the organization must adopt a voting method.
    Second, the organization must conduct the vote, and this will most likely be done with paper ballots. Third, the ballots
    must be entered into the OpenSTV program. Finally, you can use OpenSTV to count the votes and determine the winners of
    the election.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>OpenSTV is an open-source software for implementing the single transferable vote and other voting methods such as instant
    runoff voting, Condorcet voting, and approval voting. OpenSTV is the only open-source software that implements the single
    transferable vote exactly as used by governments, including Scotland and the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. These methods
    have been extensively verified against other software and/or actual election results.</p>

    <p>Organizations can use OpenSTV to implement their own elections. First, the organization must adopt a voting method.
    Second, the organization must conduct the vote, and this will most likely be done with paper ballots. Third, the ballots
    must be entered into the OpenSTV program. Finally, you can use OpenSTV to count the votes and determine the winners of
    the election.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>OpenSTV er et open source-program for implementering af »single tranferable vote« og andre stemmemetoder såsom »instant
    runoff voting«, »Condorcet-stemmeafgivelse« og godkendelsesafgivelse. OpenSTV er det eneste open source-program, som implementerer
    »single transferable vote« præcist som det bliver brugt af regeringer, inklusiv Skotland og byen Cambridge, Massachusetts.
    Disse metoder er blevet testet på omfattende vis mod andre programmer og/eller faktiske valgresultater.</p>

    <p>Organisationer kan bruge OpenSTV til at implementere deres egne valg. Først skal organisationen vælge et system for
    stemmeafgivelsen. Derefter skal organisationen afholde stemmeafgivelsen, og dette vil sikkert blive udført med papirkryds.
    Papirkrydsene skal så indtastes i OpenSTV- programmet. Til sidst kan du bruge OpenSTV til at optælle stemmerne og finde
    vinderen af valget.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>OpenSTV è un software open source per implementare il voto singolo trasferibile e altri metodi di voto, come il voto
    alternativo con maggioranza assoluta, il voto Condorcet e il voto di approvazione. OpenSTV è l&apos;unico software open
    source che implementa il voto singolo trasferibile esattamente come usato dai governi, inclusi quelli di Scozia, e della
    Città di Cambridge, Massachusetts. Questi metodi sono stati ampiamente verificati confrontandoli con altro software o
    risultati di elezioni vere.</p>

    <p>Le organizzazioni possono usare OpenSTV per implementare le proprie elezioni. Come prima cosa l&apos;organizzazione
    deve adottare un metodo di voto. Secondo, l&apos;organizzazione deve effettuare il voto e ciò verrà molto probabilmente
    fatto con schede cartacee. Terzo, le schede devono essere inserite nel programma OpenSTV. Da ultimo, si può usare OpenSTV
    per contare i voti e determinare i vincitori delle elezioni.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>OpenSTV is an open-source software for implementing the single transferable vote and other voting methods such as instant
    runoff voting, Condorcet voting, and approval voting. OpenSTV is the only open-source software that implements the single
    transferable vote exactly as used by governments, including Scotland and the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. These methods
    have been extensively verified against other software and/or actual election results.</p>

    <p>Organizations can use OpenSTV to implement their own elections. First, the organization must adopt a voting method.
    Second, the organization must conduct the vote, and this will most likely be done with paper ballots. Third, the ballots
    must be entered into the OpenSTV program. Finally, you can use OpenSTV to count the votes and determine the winners of
    the election.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>OpenSTV is an open-source software for implementing the single transferable vote and other voting methods such as instant
    runoff voting, Condorcet voting, and approval voting. OpenSTV is the only open-source software that implements the single
    transferable vote exactly as used by governments, including Scotland and the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. These methods
    have been extensively verified against other software and/or actual election results.</p>

    <p>Organizations can use OpenSTV to implement their own elections. First, the organization must adopt a voting method.
    Second, the organization must conduct the vote, and this will most likely be done with paper ballots. Third, the ballots
    must be entered into the OpenSTV program. Finally, you can use OpenSTV to count the votes and determine the winners of
    the election.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>OpenSTV is an open-source software for implementing the single transferable vote and other voting methods such as instant
    runoff voting, Condorcet voting, and approval voting. OpenSTV is the only open-source software that implements the single
    transferable vote exactly as used by governments, including Scotland and the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. These methods
    have been extensively verified against other software and/or actual election results.</p>

    <p>Organizations can use OpenSTV to implement their own elections. First, the organization must adopt a voting method.
    Second, the organization must conduct the vote, and this will most likely be done with paper ballots. Third, the ballots
    must be entered into the OpenSTV program. Finally, you can use OpenSTV to count the votes and determine the winners of
    the election.</p>
- Office
  - name: openstv_openstv.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: openstv_openstv.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - openstv.desktop