⇦ | navit [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for navit in universe

navit.desktop - 0.5.0+dfsg.1-2build1 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: navit.desktop
Package: navit
  fr: Navit
  C: Navit
  de: Navit
  fr: Le logiciel opensource de navigation vectorielle
  C: The open source vector based navigation program with routing engine
  de: Ein vektorbasiertes Navigationsprogramm
  de: >-
    <p>Navit ist ein Navigationssystem mit Routenplaner für Automobile.</p>

    <p>Durch seinen modularen Aufbau kann es verschiedene Vektorkartenformate anzeigen und zur Wegsuche verwenden. Es kann
    sogar mehrere Karten gleichzeitig nutzen.</p>

    <p>Die GTK+- und SDL-Oberflächen sind zum Gebrauch mit Touchscreens gut geeignet. Besondere Orte (»Points of Interest«)
    werden auf der Karte markiert.</p>

    <p>Die aktuelle Position des Fahrzeugs wird entweder mit gpsd oder direkt mit NMEA-GPS-Empfängern bestimmt.</p>

    <p>Das Routing-Programm berechnet nicht nur den optimalen Weg zu Ihrem Ziel, sondern gibt auch Anweisungen zum Abbiegen
    und spricht sogar mithilfe von speech-dispatcher zu Ihnen.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  sk: >-
    <p>Navit je systém navigácie do auta s hľadaním trás.</p>

    <p>Jeho modulárny návrh je schopný používať vektorové mapy v rozličných formátoch na hľadanie trás a vykresľovanie zobrazovanej
    mapy. Je tiež možné použiť viacero máp súčasne.</p>

    <p>Používateľské rozhrania Gtk+ alebo SDL sú navrhnuté, aby dobre spolupracovali s dotykovými displejmi. Na mape sa zobrazujú
    body záujmu v rozličných formátoch.</p>

    <p>Aktuálna poloha vozidla sa číta buď z gpsd alebo priamo zo snímačov NMEA GPS.</p>

    <p>Hľadanie trás nielen, že počíta optimálnu trasu do vášho cieľa, ale vytvára aj inštrukcie a dokonca ich vyslovuje pomocou
    syntetizátora reči.</p>

    <p>Balík navit v Debiane neposkytuje žiadnu mapu. Kde môžete získať mapy zistíte zo stránky &lt;http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/
  sl: >-
    <p>Navit je sistem za krmarjenje avtomobila s programnikom usmerjanja.</p>

    <p>Njegova modularna zasnova je zmožna uporabe vektorskih zemljevidov različnih vrst za usmerjanje in izrisovanje prikazanih
    zemljevidov. Sočasno lahko uporabljate celo več zemljevidov.</p>

    <p>Uporabniška vmesnika GTK+ ali SDL sta zasnovana za dobro delo z zasloni na dotik. Zanimivosti v različnih oblikah so
    prikazane na zemljevidu.</p>

    <p>Trenuten položaj vozila je prebran iz gpsd ali neposredno iz senzorjev GPS NMEA.</p>

    <p>Programnik usmerjanja ne le izračuna optimalno pot do vašega cilja ampak tudi ustvari smeri in celo govori z vami z
    uporabo programa speech- dispatcher.</p>

    <p>Pakiranje Debian za navit ne zagotavlja zemljevida. Za ogled kje lahko dobite zemljevide si oglejte &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  ja: >-
    <p>Navit はルート検索エンジンを備えたカーナビゲーションシステムです。</p>

    <p>モジュール化された設計により、各種フォーマットのベクタ地図を用いてルート案 内や地図画面表示の描画ができます。複数の地図を同時に利用することもできます。</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  uk: >-
    <p>Navit — автомобільна система навігації з рушієм прокладки маршрутів.</p>

    <p>Її модульна структура дозволяє використовувати векторні мапи різних форматів для прокладки маршрутів та показу їх на
    мапі. Навіть, можливе використання кількох мап одночасно.</p>

    <p>Інтерфейс, що базується на GTK+, розроблений так, щоб він добре працював на сенсорних дисплеях. На мапах зображуються
    також POI (Points of Interest — Інформація про об’єкти) різних форматів.</p>

    <p>Поточне положення транспортного засобу визначається за даними gpsd або безпосередня з датчиків NMEA GPS.</p>

    <p>Рушій прокладки маршрутів не тільки прокладає оптимальний маршрут до місця призначення, а й вказує напрямок, та говорить
    за допомогою голосового синтезатора.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  C: >-
    <p>Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.</p>

    <p>Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map.
    It&apos;s even possible to use multiple maps at a time.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Main_Page#Maps&gt;.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.</p>

    <p>Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map.
    It&apos;s even possible to use multiple maps at a time.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Main_Page#Maps&gt;.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.</p>

    <p>Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map.
    It&apos;s even possible to use multiple maps at a time.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  ru: >-
    <p>Navit — автомобильная система навигации с возможностью прокладки маршрутов.</p>

    <p>Ее модульная архитектура позволяет использовать векторные карты разных форматов для прокладки маршрутов и отображения
    их на карте. Также, возможно использование нескольких карт одновременно.</p>

    <p>Интерфейсы GTK+ и SDL работают на сенсорных дисплеях. На картах изображаются также интересные места (Points of Interest)
    из файлов различных форматов.</p>

    <p>Текущее положение транспортного средства определяется по данным gpsd или непосредственно с датчиков NMEA GPS.</p>

    <p>Прокладываемые маршруты являются оптимальными, кроме того для них генерируются направляющие указания, которые могут
    озвучиваться системой синтеза речи.</p>

    <p>Пакет Debian для navit не содержит никаких карт. Чтобы узнать, откуда можно взять карты, посетите страницу &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  fr: >-
    <p>Navit est un système de navigation automobile avec moteur de calcul d&apos;itinéraire.</p>

    <p>Sa conception modulaire est capable d&apos;utiliser des cartes vectorielles de différents formats pour le routage et
    le rendu de la carte affichée. Il est même possible d&apos;utiliser plusieurs cartes à la fois.</p>

    <p>Les interfaces utilisateur GTK+ ou SDL sont conçues pour fonctionner avec des écrans tactiles. Des points d&apos;intérêt
    de formats différents sont affichés sur la carte.</p>

    <p>La position actuelle du véhicule est lue dans un gpsd ou directement à partir de capteurs GPS NMEA.</p>

    <p>Le moteur de routage ne calcule pas seulement un itinéraire optimal pour votre destination, mais génère également des
    directions et même vous parle en utilisant speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>La gestion des paquets Debian pour navit ne fournit aucune carte. Pour voir où vous pouvez vous procurer des cartes,
    voir &lt;http://wiki.navit- project.org/index.php/Main_Page#Maps&gt;.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.</p>

    <p>Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map.
    It&apos;s even possible to use multiple maps at a time.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  it: >-
    <p>Navit è un sistema di navigazione per auto con motore per creazione di percorsi.</p>

    <p>La sua struttura modulare è in grado di usare mappe vettoriali in vari formati per creare percorsi e per il disegno
    della mappa mostrata. È anche possibile usare più mappe contemporaneamente.</p>

    <p>Le interfacce utente GTK+ o SDL sono progettate per funzionare bene con display touchscreen. Sulla mappa vengono visualizzati
    i punti di interesse in vari formati.</p>

    <p>La posizione attuale del veicolo viene letta da gpsd o direttamente da sensori GPS NMEA.</p>

    <p>Il motore per i percorsi non solo calcola il percorso ottimale per la destinazione, ma genera anche istruzioni e parla
    persino all&apos;utente usando speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>Il pacchetto Debian per navit non fornisce alcuna mappa. Per scoprire dove è possibile ottenere mappe, vedere &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  da: >-
    <p>Navit er et bilnavigeringssystem med rutemotor.</p>

    <p>Dets modulære design er i stand til at bruge vektorkort i forskellige formater for rutekort og optegning af det viste
    kort. Det er endda muligt at bruge flere kort på samme tid.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  nl: >-
    <p>Navit is een autonavigatiesysteem met routeplanner.</p>

    <p>Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map.
    It&apos;s even possible to use multiple maps at a time.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.</p>

    <p>Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map.
    It&apos;s even possible to use multiple maps at a time.</p>

    <p>The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various
    formats are displayed on the map.</p>

    <p>The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.</p>

    <p>The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even
    speaks to you using speech-dispatcher.</p>

    <p>The Debian packaging for navit doesn&apos;t provide any map. To see, where you can get maps from, see &lt;http://wiki.navit-
- Utility
- Geography
  - name: navit_navit.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: navit_navit.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  stock: navit