⇦ | marsshooter [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for marsshooter in universe

marsshooter.desktop - 0.7.6-2 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: desktop-application
ID: marsshooter.desktop
Package: marsshooter
  C: M.A.R.S.
  C: M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter
  de: M.A.R.S. - ein irrer Shooter.
  fr: >-
    <p>M.A.R.S is a two-dimensional space shooter game with excellent 2D- graphics, a stunning amount of particles and shader
    support. It offers single- and multiplayer gameplay, many impressive weapons and specials and customizable ships.</p>

    <p>En l&apos;an 3547 toutes les civilisations de la galaxie se sont installées sur leurs propres planètes, vivant en paix
    et en harmonie avec leur environnement. Mais en dehors des habitats tranquilles, la GRANDE GUERRE fait rage. En tant que
    célèbre combattant en quête d&apos;honneur et de prospérité éternels, vous devez protéger votre planète de la menace imminente
    représentée par vos voisins jaloux !</p>
  C: >-
    <p>M.A.R.S is a two-dimensional space shooter game with excellent 2D-graphics, a stunning amount of particles and shader
    support. It offers single- and multiplayer gameplay, many impressive weapons and specials and customizable ships.</p>

    <p>In the year 3547 civilizations across the galaxy have settled their own planets, living in peace and harmony with its
    environment. But outside the placid habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to never ending
    honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the imminent doom of your jealous neighbours!</p>
  en: >-
    <p>M.A.R.S is a two-dimensional space shooter game with excellent 2D-graphics, a stunning amount of particles and shader
    support. It offers single- and multiplayer gameplay, many impressive weapons and specials and customizable ships.</p>

    <p>In the year 3547 civilizations across the galaxy have settled their own planets, living in peace and harmony with its
    environment. But outside the placid habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to never ending
    honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the imminent doom of your jealous neighbours!</p>
- Game
- ActionGame
  - ships
  - space
  - shooter
  - 2D
  - opengl
  - sfml
  - shader
  - particle
  - effects
  - multiplayer
  - name: marsshooter_marsshooter.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: marsshooter_marsshooter.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  stock: marsshooter