⇦ | gresistor [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for gresistor in universe

gresistor.desktop - 0.0.1-0ubuntu3 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gresistor.desktop
Package: gresistor
  ro_RO: gResistor
  C: gResistor
  ro: gResistor
  de: gResistor
  C: Resistor color code calculator
  ro: Calculator pentru formule electrice
  de: Widerstand Farbcode Rechner
  fr: >-
    <p>Afin de permettre leur identification, les résistances sont généralement marqués par des bandes colorées. Souvent désigné
    comme des codes de couleur, ces marquages ​​sont indiquent leur résistance, leur tolérance et leur coefficient de température.
    gResistor vous aide à traduire les codes de couleur d&apos;une résistance en une valeur lisible. Tout ce que vous avez
    à faire est de regarder les couleurs de la résistance, puis les saisir dans le programme. Lorsque vous entrez des couleurs
    vous verrez que la valeur de la résistance change en conséquence.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>На резисторы обычно наносят код в виде цветных колец, показывающий их сопротивление, допустимое отклонение и температурный
    коэффициент. gResistor помогает перевести этот цветовой код в понятные для человека значения. Всё что вам нужно сделать
    — это ввести нанесённый на резистор цветовой код в программу, и она покажет вам соответствующие значения.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>To allow for identification, resistors are usually marked with colored bands. Often refered to as color codes, these
    markings are indicative of their resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient. gResistor helps you translate resistor
    color codes into a readable value. All you have to do is watch the colors on the resistor and then enter them in the program.
    As you enter colours you&apos;ll see that the resistor value is changing accordingly.</p>
  sl: >-
    <p>Za omogočitev določitve so uporniki običajno označeni z obarvanimi trakovi. Pogosto se jim reče barve kode. Določajo
    upornost, toleranco in temperaturni koeficient. gResistor vam pomaga prevesti barvne kode uporabnikov v berljivo vrednost.
    Vse kar morate storiti je to, da si ogledate barve na uporabniku in jih nato vnesete v program. Ko vnesete barve, boste
    videli da se vrednost upornika ustrezno spreminja.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>To allow for identification, resistors are usually marked with colored bands. Often refered to as color codes, these
    markings are indicative of their resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient. gResistor helps you translate resistor
    color codes into a readable value. All you have to do is watch the colors on the resistor and then enter them in the program.
    As you enter colours you&apos;ll see that the resistor value is changing accordingly.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>To allow for identification, resistors are usually marked with colored bands. Often refered to as color codes, these
    markings are indicative of their resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient. gResistor helps you translate resistor
    color codes into a readable value. All you have to do is watch the colors on the resistor and then enter them in the program.
    As you enter colours you&apos;ll see that the resistor value is changing accordingly.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>To allow for identification, resistors are usually marked with colored bands. Often refered to as color codes, these
    markings are indicative of their resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient. gResistor helps you translate resistor
    color codes into a readable value. All you have to do is watch the colors on the resistor and then enter them in the program.
    As you enter colours you&apos;ll see that the resistor value is changing accordingly.</p>
- Science
- Education
- Electronics
  - name: gresistor_icon.png
    width: 64
    height: 64