⇦ | dvcs-autosync [universe]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:33 [UTC]

Metadata for dvcs-autosync in universe

dvcs-autosync.desktop - 0.5+nmu1 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: dvcs-autosync.desktop
Package: dvcs-autosync
  C: DVCS-Autosync
  C: Synchronize and version your files across multiple computers with distributed version control (by default with Git)
  de: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync ist ein quelloffener Ersatz für Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/usw., der auf einem verteilten Versionsverwaltungssystem
    (distributed version control systems, DVCS) basiert. Er kann augenblicklich beidseitig aktualisieren, sobald auf einer
    Seite eine Datei hinzugefügt oder geändert wird, besitzt jedoch den Vorteil der (lokalen, verteilten) Versionsverwaltung.
    Darüber hinaus ist er nicht auf einem zentralisierten Diensteanbieter angewiesen, sondern kann mit jeder DVCS-Hosting-Option
    verwendet werden, auch mit einem separaten Server.</p>

    <p>Die Synchronisierung von Verzeichnissen basiert auf DVCS-Repositorys. Git wird in der Hauptentwicklung verwendet und
    am intensivsten als Backend- Speicherung getestet, jedoch werden auch andere DVCS wie Mercurial unterstützt. dvcs-autosync
    hat ein mit SparkleShare vergleichbares Hauptziel, ist jedoch minimalistischer. Ein einzelnes Python-Skript überwacht
    die konfigurierten Verzeichnisse auf Änderungen, überträgt diese Änderungen auf das DVCS (etwa Git) und synchronisiert
    diese mit anderen Instanzen mittels XMPP-Nachrichten.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync is an open source replacement for Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/etc. based on distributed version control systems
    (DVCS). It offers nearly instantaneous mutual updates when a file is added or changed on one side but with the added benefit
    of (local, distributed) versioning and that it does not rely on a centralized service provider, but can be used with any
    DVCS hosting option including a completely separate server.</p>

    <p>Synchronization of directories is based on DVCS repositories. Git is used for main development and is being tested
    most thoroughly as the backend storage, but other DVCS such as Mercurial are also supported. dvcs-autosync is comparable
    to SparkleShare in terms of overall aim, but takes a more minimalistic approach. A single Python script monitors the configured
    directory for live changes, commits these changes to the DVCS (such as git) and synchronizes with other instances using
    XMPP messages.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync is an open source replacement for Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/etc. based on distributed version control systems
    (DVCS). It offers nearly instantaneous mutual updates when a file is added or changed on one side but with the added benefit
    of (local, distributed) versioning and that it does not rely on a centralized service provider, but can be used with any
    DVCS hosting option including a completely separate server.</p>

    <p>Synchronization of directories is based on DVCS repositories. Git is used for main development and is being tested
    most thoroughly as the backend storage, but other DVCS such as Mercurial are also supported. dvcs-autosync is comparable
    to SparkleShare in terms of overall aim, but takes a more minimalistic approach. A single Python script monitors the configured
    directory for live changes, commits these changes to the DVCS (such as git) and synchronizes with other instances using
    XMPP messages.</p>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync is an open source replacement for Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/etc. based on distributed version control systems
    (DVCS). It offers nearly instantaneous mutual updates when a file is added or changed on one side but with the added benefit
    of (local, distributed) versioning and that it does not rely on a centralized service provider, but can be used with any
    DVCS hosting option including a completely separate server.</p>

    <p>Synchronization of directories is based on DVCS repositories. Git is used for main development and is being tested
    most thoroughly as the backend storage, but other DVCS such as Mercurial are also supported. dvcs- autosync is comparable
    to SparkleShare in terms of overall aim, but takes a more minimalistic approach. A single Python script monitors the configured
    directory for live changes, commits these changes to the DVCS (such as git) and synchronizes with other instances using
    XMPP messages.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync is an open source replacement for Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/etc. based on distributed version control systems
    (DVCS). It offers nearly instantaneous mutual updates when a file is added or changed on one side but with the added benefit
    of (local, distributed) versioning and that it does not rely on a centralized service provider, but can be used with any
    DVCS hosting option including a completely separate server.</p>

    <p>Synchronization of directories is based on DVCS repositories. Git is used for main development and is being tested
    most thoroughly as the backend storage, but other DVCS such as Mercurial are also supported. dvcs- autosync is comparable
    to SparkleShare in terms of overall aim, but takes a more minimalistic approach. A single Python script monitors the configured
    directory for live changes, commits these changes to the DVCS (such as git) and synchronizes with other instances using
    XMPP messages.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync è un sostituto open source per Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/ecc., basato sui sistemi di controllo delle versioni
    distribuiti (DVCS). Offre aggiornamenti reciproci quasi istantanei quando un file viene aggiunto o cambiato da un lato,
    ma con i benefici aggiuntivi della gestione delle versioni (locali, distribuite) e che non si basa su un fornitore di
    servizi centralizzato, ma può essere usato con qualsiasi tipo di host DVCS incluso un server completamente separato.</p>

    <p>La sincronizzazione delle directory è basata sui repository DVCS. Per lo sviluppo principale viene usato Git ed è quello
    collaudato in modo più dettagliato come archivio backend, ma sono gestiti anche altri DVCS come Mercurial. dvcs-autosync
    è comparabile a SparkleShare in termini di obiettivi generali, ma ha un approccio più minimalista. Un singolo script Python
    monitora la directory configurata controllando i cambiamenti in tempo reale, fa il commit di questi cambiamenti nel DVCS
    (come git) e fa la sincronizzazione con altre istanze usando i messaggi XMPP.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync er en open source-erstatning for Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/etc. baseret på distribueret versionskontrolsystemer
    (DVCS). Programmet tilbyder næsten øjeblikkelige ens opdateringer når en fil tilføjes eller ændres på den ene side men
    med den tilføjede fordel af (lokal, distribueret) versionering, og at den ikke afhænger af en centraliseret tjenesteudbyder,
    men kan bruges med enhver DVCS-værtsmulighed inklusiv en fuldstændig uafhængig server.</p>

    <p>Synkronisering af mapper er baseret på DVCS-arkiver. Git bruges for hovedudvikling og testes mest omhyggeligt som den
    bagvedliggende lagring, men andre DVCS&apos;er såsom Mercurial er også understøttet. dvcs-autosync kan sammenlignes med
    SparkleShare i form af overordnet formål, men har en mere minimialistisk fremgangsmåde. Et enkelt Pythonskript overvåger
    den konfigurerede mappe for løbende ændringer, indsender (commits) disse ændringer til DVCS (såsom git) og synkroniserer
    dem med andre instanser med brug af XMPP-beskeder.</p>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>dvcs-autosync is an open source replacement for Dropbox/Wuala/Box.net/etc. based on distributed version control systems
    (DVCS). It offers nearly instantaneous mutual updates when a file is added or changed on one side but with the added benefit
    of (local, distributed) versioning and that it does not rely on a centralized service provider, but can be used with any
    DVCS hosting option including a completely separate server.</p>

    <p>Synchronization of directories is based on DVCS repositories. Git is used for main development and is being tested
    most thoroughly as the backend storage, but other DVCS such as Mercurial are also supported. dvcs- autosync is comparable
    to SparkleShare in terms of overall aim, but takes a more minimalistic approach. A single Python script monitors the configured
    directory for live changes, commits these changes to the DVCS (such as git) and synchronizes with other instances using
    XMPP messages.</p>
- Network
- FileTransfer
  - name: dvcs-autosync_dvcs-autosync.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: dvcs-autosync_dvcs-autosync.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - dvcs-autosync.desktop