⇦ | gns3 [multiverse]
Last updated on: 2018-04-27 01:37 [UTC]

Metadata for gns3 in multiverse

gns3.desktop - 0.8.7-2 ⚙ all

Type: desktop-application
ID: gns3.desktop
Package: gns3
  C: GNS3
  C: GNS3 Graphical Network Simulator
  fr: >-
    <p>GNS3 est un simulateur de réseau graphique qui permet la simulation de réseaux complexes et le lancement de simulations
    sur ces réseaux. C&apos;est un excellent outil complémentaire pour les laboratoires réels pour les administrateurs de
    réseaux Cisco ou les personnes souhaitant passer leurs certifications CCNA, CCNP, CCIP ou CCIE. Il peut également être
    utilisé pour tester des fonctionnalités de systèmes Cisco ou pour vérifier des configurations qui doivent ensuite être
    déployées sur des routeurs réels.</p>

    <p>Vous pouvez configurer des appareils allant des routeurs Cisco, pare-feu Cisco PIX, pare-feu Cisco ASA, systèmes de
    détection d&apos;intrusion (IDS) Cisco, aux routeurs JunOS utilisant Qemu ou Pemu. GNS3 utilise dynamips comme moteur
    d&apos;émulation, un émulateur IOS qui permet aux utilisateurs d&apos;exécuter des images binaires IOS de Cisco Systems.</p>

    <p>Les images logicielles Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA ou JunOS ne sont pas incluses.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>GNS3 — это графический симулятор сети, позволяющий имитировать работу сложных сетей. Это отличное дополнение к занятиям
    в реальном компьютерном классе для администраторов сетей Cisco или людей, желающих подготовиться к экзаменам на сертификаты
    CCNA, CCNP, CCIP или CCIE. Его также можно использовать для экспериментов с функциями Cisco IOS или проверки конфигураций,
    которые в дальнейшем будут развёрнуты на реальных маршрутизаторах.</p>

    <p>You may configure devices ranging from Cisco routers, Cisco PIX firewalls, Cisco ASA Firewalls, Cisco IDS to JunOS
    routers using Qemu or Pemu. GNS3 uses dynamips as an emulation back end, an IOS emulator which allows users to run IOS
    binary images from Cisco Systems.</p>

    <p>Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA or JunOS software images are not included.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks and to launch simulations on them.
    It is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their
    CCNA, CCNP, CCIP or CCIE certifications. It can also be used to experiment with features of Cisco IOS or to check configurations
    that need to be deployed later on real routers.</p>

    <p>You may configure devices ranging from Cisco routers, Cisco PIX firewalls, Cisco ASA Firewalls, Cisco IDS to JunOS
    routers using Qemu or Pemu. GNS3 uses dynamips as an emulation back end, an IOS emulator which allows users to run IOS
    binary images from Cisco Systems.</p>

    <p>Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA or JunOS software images are not included.</p>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks and to launch simulations on them.
    It is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their
    CCNA, CCNP, CCIP or CCIE certifications. It can also be used to experiment with features of Cisco IOS or to check configurations
    that need to be deployed later on real routers.</p>

    <p>You may configure devices ranging from Cisco routers, Cisco PIX firewalls, Cisco ASA Firewalls, Cisco IDS to JunOS
    routers using Qemu or Pemu. GNS3 uses dynamips as an emulation back end, an IOS emulator which allows users to run IOS
    binary images from Cisco Systems.</p>

    <p>Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA or JunOS software images are not included.</p>
  en: >-
    <p>GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks and to launch simulations on them.
    It is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their
    CCNA, CCNP, CCIP or CCIE certifications. It can also be used to experiment with features of Cisco IOS or to check configurations
    that need to be deployed later on real routers.</p>

    <p>You may configure devices ranging from Cisco routers, Cisco PIX firewalls, Cisco ASA Firewalls, Cisco IDS to JunOS
    routers using Qemu or Pemu. GNS3 uses dynamips as an emulation back end, an IOS emulator which allows users to run IOS
    binary images from Cisco Systems.</p>

    <p>Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA or JunOS software images are not included.</p>
  gl: >-
    <p>GNS3 is a graphical network simulator that allows simulation of complex networks and to launch simulations on them.
    It is an excellent complementary tool to real labs for administrators of Cisco networks or people wanting to pass their
    CCNA, CCNP, CCIP or CCIE certifications. It can also be used to experiment with features of Cisco IOS or to check configurations
    that need to be deployed later on real routers.</p>

    <p>You may configure devices ranging from Cisco routers, Cisco PIX firewalls, Cisco ASA Firewalls, Cisco IDS to JunOS
    routers using Qemu or Pemu. GNS3 uses dynamips as an emulation back end, an IOS emulator which allows users to run IOS
    binary images from Cisco Systems.</p>

    <p>Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA or JunOS software images are not included.</p>
- Education
  - simulator
  - network
  - netsim
  - name: gns3_gns3.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - name: gns3_gns3.png
    width: 48
    height: 48
  - gns3.desktop
  - application/x-gns3