⇦ | fwupd [main]
Last updated on: 2023-11-12 21:41 [UTC]

Metadata for fwupd in main

org.freedesktop.fwupd - 1.2.10-1ubuntu2~ubuntu18.04.5 ⚙ amd64 ⚙ armhf ⚙ arm64 ⚙ i386 ⚙ ppc64el ⚙ s390x

Type: console-application
ID: org.freedesktop.fwupd
Package: fwupd
  C: fwupd
  C: Update device firmware on Linux
  C: >-
          This project aims to make updating firmware on Linux automatic, safe and
          You can either use a GUI software manager like GNOME Software to view and
          apply updates, the command-line tool or the D-Bus interface directly.
          The fwupd process is a simple daemon to allow session software to update
          device firmware on your local machine.
          It is designed for desktops, but this project is also usable on phones,
          tablets and on headless servers.
ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.0+
  bugtracker: https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd/issues
  homepage: https://fwupd.org/
  translate: https://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fwupd/
  - fwupdmgr
- version: 1.2.10
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1563148800
    C: >-
      <p>This release adds the following features:</p>

        <li>Add a new experimental plugin that supports libflashrom</li>
        <li>Add a specific error code for the low battery case</li>
        <li>Add support for 8bitdo USB Retro Receiver</li>
        <li>Export new API to build objects from GVariant blobs</li>
        <li>Show a warning when running in UEFI legacy mode</li>
        <li>Support a UEFI quirk to disable the use of the UX capsule</li>

      <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>

        <li>Fix installing synaptics-prometheus config updates</li>
        <li>Fix the supported list of Wacom tablets</li>
        <li>Never set an empty device name</li>
        <li>Prompt for reboot when unlocking on the command line if applicable</li>
        <li>Show devices with an UpdateError in get-devices output</li>
        <li>Support empty proxy server strings</li>
        <li>Try harder to find duplicate UEFI boot entries</li>
- version: 1.2.9
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1558310400
    C: >-
      <p>This release adds the following features:</p>

        <li>Add support for Synaptics Prometheus fingerprint readers</li>
        <li>Check if VersionFormat is ambiguous when adding devices</li>
        <li>Check the daemon version is at least the client version</li>
        <li>Export the version-format used by devices to clients</li>
        <li>Set the version format for more device types</li>

      <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>

        <li>Allow using --force to trigger a duplicate offline update</li>
        <li>Be smarter about existing installed fwupd when using standalone-installer</li>
        <li>Correctly identify DFU firmware that starts at offset zero</li>
        <li>Display the remote warning on the console in an easy-to-read way</li>
        <li>Fix a libasan failure when reading a UEFI variable</li>
        <li>Never guess the version format from the version string</li>
        <li>Only use class-based instance IDs for quirk matching</li>
        <li>Prompt the user to shutdown if requried when installing by ID</li>
        <li>Reset the forced version during DFU attach and detach</li>
- version: 1.2.8
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1555977600
    C: >-
      <p>This release adds the following features:</p>

        <li>Allow the fwupdmgr tool to modify the daemon config</li>

      <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>

        <li>Correctly parse DFU interfaces with extra vendor-specific data</li>
        <li>Do not report transient or invalid system failures</li>
        <li>Fix problems with the version format checking for some updates</li>
- version: 1.2.7
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1554940800
    C: >-
      <p>This release adds the following features:</p>

        <li>Add a component categories to express the firmware type</li>
        <li>Add support for 8BitDo M30</li>
        <li>Add support for the not-child extension from Logitech</li>
        <li>Shut down the daemon if the on-disk binary is replaced</li>

      <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>

        <li>Blacklist the synapticsmst plugin when using amdgpu</li>
        <li>Correct ATA activation functionality to work for all vendors</li>
        <li>Implement QMI PDC active config selection for modems</li>
        <li>Make an error message clearer when there are no updates available</li>
        <li>Match the old or new version number when setting NEEDS_REBOOT</li>
        <li>More carefully check the output from tpm2_pcrlist</li>
        <li>Recreate the history database if migration failed</li>
        <li>Require AC power when updating Thunderbolt devices</li>
        <li>Require --force to install a release with a different version format</li>
        <li>Save history from firmware installed with fwupdtool</li>
- version: 1.2.6
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1553558400
    C: >-
      <p>This release adds the following features:</p>

        <li>Add a plugin to support modem hardware</li>
        <li>Add support for delayed activation of docks and ATA devices</li>
        <li>Add support for reading the SuperIO device checksum and writing to e-flash</li>
        <li>Add the fwupdagent binary for use in shell scripts</li>
        <li>Allow restricting firmware updates for enterprise use</li>
        <li>Allow signing the fwupd report with a client certificate</li>
        <li>Use Plymouth when updating offline firmware</li>

      <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>

        <li>Allow forcing an offline-only update on a live system using --force</li>
        <li>Allow running offline updates when in system-update.target</li>
        <li>Ask to reboot after scheduling an offline firmware update</li>
        <li>Correctly check the new version for devices that replug</li>
        <li>Do not fail to start the daemon if tpm2_pcrlist hangs</li>
        <li>Do not fail when scheduling more than one update to be run offline</li>
        <li>Do not let failing to find DBus prevent fwuptool from starting</li>
        <li>Do not schedule an update on battery power if it requires AC power</li>
        <li>Include all device checksums in the LVFS report</li>
        <li>Rename the shimx64.efi binary for known broken firmware</li>
        <li>Upload the UPDATE_INFO entry for the UEFI UX capsule</li>
- version: 1.2.5
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1551052800
    C: >-
      <p>This release adds the following features:</p>

        <li>Allow a device to be updated using more than one plugin</li>
        <li>Report the DeviceInstanceIDs from fwupdmgr when run as root</li>

      <p>This release fixes the following bugs:</p>

        <li>Add an extra check for Dell NVMe drives to avoid false positives</li>
        <li>Call composite prepare and cleanup using fwupdtool</li>
        <li>Correct handling of CAB files with nested directories</li>
        <li>Detect and special case Dell ATA hardware</li>
        <li>Do not fail fwupdtool if dbus is unavailable</li>
        <li>Do not unconditionally enable Werror for the EFI binary</li>
        <li>Fill holes when reading SREC files</li>
        <li>Filter the last supported payloads of certain Dell docks</li>
        <li>Fix flashing failure with latest Intuos Pro tablet</li>
        <li>Fix potential segfault when applying UEFI updates</li>
        <li>Fix unifying regression when recovering from failed flash</li>
    social-info: moderate